Project status

Final cost: £13,893 (NatSol £8,164; builders £5,729)

16th August 2018

We have sufficient money from grants and from the PCC bank account to go ahead with the project.

The toilet has been ordered, a deposit paid, and the components will be delivered to the churchyard on 26th September

The site has been cleared and marked out, and the exact location should be agreed with the PCC within the next few days.

Mills Brothers of Freethorpe have been engaged to perform the installation.  They have already dug a trial pit to determine the soil type, which is important in terms of the exact installation instructions from NatSol.

6th September 2018

All the promised grant money has now been paid and the project is secure.

The PCC has agreed the exact location, at the south-west end of the churchyard, and detailed discussions have taken place with NatSol and Mills Brothers.

Various additional items (wheelchair ramp, path extension, roofing and external painting of the shed with wood preservative) have been estimated by Mills Brothers, and the PCC has accepted the quotes.

We are awaiting news of the planned delivery time on 26th September so that the lifting crane can be in place when it arrives

29th September 2018

The toilet is now installed and the shed erected and fitted out. Only the painting, floor sealing and access path remain to be completed.

17th October 2018


Job done!  Toilet now open daily for public use during the hours that the church is open.  It is fully compatible with the specifications for access via disabled persons.  Please see the signs inside the toilet regarding usage, as this is a composting toilet which requires no water if it is used correctly






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