Weekly Notice sheet

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Acle & Bure to Yare Benefice: Sunday Notices, 20th October 2024

Today and the following Sundays:-





11.00am (10.30am if stated)

20th Oct
21st after Trinity

Psalm 91.9-16
Hebrews 5.1-10
Mark 10.35-45


Holy Communion for
Harvest Thanksgiving

- reading sheet

Holy Communion
Morning Prayer

27th Oct
Last after Trinity

Psalm 126
Hebrews 7.23-28
Mark 10.46-52

Holy Communion


10.30am Beighton
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion

3rd Nov
All Saints’ Sunday

Psalm 24.1-6
Revelation 21.1-6a
John 11.32-44


Morning Prayer
Holy Communion

Acle, Freethorpe
Morning Prayer / Worship
Holy Communion

Please pray for the parishes of our deanery and the life of our own benefice, as we are prayed for around the diocese this week.
For those bereaved of Stella Shepheard
and Margaret Jackson (of Acle).

Diocesan Prayer Diary: the additional collect for today:-

Almighty God, in whose service lies perfect freedom:
teach us to obey you with loving hearts and steadfast wills;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

The Volunteer Team at the Well Foodbank have sent a sincere message of thanks for the harvest gifts received for the needy of Gorleston and surrounding areas: Every item donated will be used to make someone’s life just a little better.

This week:-

Tuesday 10.30am: service at Swallowtail Place, Acle, in the Games Room (visitors welcome).
Our benefice will be prayed for today, including at Evensong at the Cathedral (5.30pm).

Wednesday 7.30pm at the Bure Room, Acle Recreation Centre: Bingo Evening to raise funds for Acle Churches Together. We are asked to contribute raffle prizes: please bring to church on Sunday 20th, or pass to Diane W-F or Wendy Kenny.
Compline by Zoom: get the link from jnlonsdale@me.com

Saturday 10.00am – 1.00pm: Save the Children Christmas Card Sale at The Weaver’s Barn, Squires Road, Halvergate.
10.30am – 12.30pm:
All Saints’ Drop-in at Beighton Church.

Next week:-

Tuesday 29th 7.00pm at Limpenhoe Village Hall: Friends of St. Botolph’s.

Friday 1st 1.00pm at Gorleston Crematorium: Funeral of Stella Shepheard of Acle.

Future events and other notices:-

Poppy Appeal concert in St. Edmund’s Church: Wed 6th Nov, 7.30pm: Bless ‘em All – Coastline Singers.

Thank you to all who delivered for or donated to St. Edmund’s Gift Day. 75% of the letters were taken from the church and the proceeds are approaching £1,000. Donations can still be delivered to the Rectory or made on-line.

Benefice website: www.abychurches.co.uk
Martin Greenland (Rector) 01493 750393 rector@aclechurch.plus.com – off Thursday this week.

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