Weekly Notice sheet

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Acle & Bure to Yare Benefice: Sunday Notices, 16th February 2025

Today and the following Sundays:-





11.00am (10.30am if stated)

16th Feb
3rd before Lent

Psalm 1
1 Corinthians 15.12-20
Luke 6.17-26


Holy Communion

Holy Communion
Freethorpe, Reedham
Morning Prayer / Worship

23rd Feb
2nd before Lent

Psalm 65
Revelation 4
Luke 8.22-25

Holy Communion


10.30am Beighton
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion

2nd Mar
Next before Lent

Psalm 99
2 Corinthians 3.12 – 4.2
Luke 9.28-36[37-43a]


Morning Prayer
Holy Communion

Acle, Freethorpe
Morning Prayer / Worship
Holy Communion

Please pray for the Sisters of Bethany, as they plan their future use of Grove Barns.

Diocesan Prayer Diary: continuing to pray for the parishes of (King’s) Lynn Deanery.
he additional collect for today:-

Eternal God, whose Son went among the crowds and brought healing with his touch:
help us to show his love,
in your Church as we gather together,
and by our lives as they are transformed into the image of Christ our Lord.

This week:-

Tuesday 10.30am: service at Swallowtail Place, Acle (in the Games Room, visitors welcome).

Saturday 10.30am – 12.30pm: All Saints Drop-in at Beighton Church.

Next week:-

Sunday 23rd: Meetings of parishioners for the election of churchwardens at Halvergate (10.20am) and Freethorpe 12 noon) at the end of the morning services.
2.30pm at St. Edmund, Acle:
Piano recital by concert pianist Jill Crossland (£12).

Wednesday 26th 8.00pm: Compline by Zoom: link from jnlonsdale@me.com

Saturday 1st 5.00pm in Reedham Church: Pancake Party.

Future events and other notices:-

Meetings of parishioners for the election of churchwardens will be held at the end of the morning services at Reedham on Sunday 2nd March and Acle on Sunday 16th March. Nomination forms are available and need to be received by the Rector in advance of the meeting.

Acle Health & Social Fayre: 10.00am – 1.00pm Wednesday 26th February at the Recreation Centre. Various care organisations will be present: see Outlook p.12 for details.

Benefice website: www.abychurches.co.uk
Martin Greenland (Rector) 01493 750393 rector@aclechurch.plus.com – off Wed & Sat this week.

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