St Edmund, Acle Gift Day

 The Parish of Acle
within the Acle and Bure to Yare Benefice.

The Rectory, Norwich Road, Acle, NORWICH NR13 3BU              (01493) 750393

October 2022

Dear Parishioner,

St. Edmund’s Gift Day 2022: Saturday 12th November

Acle is expanding – and I’m not surprised that people want to move here! We are blest with good facilities and transport links and a friendly community. St. Edmund’s Church is one of those facilities and part of that community: whether one attends services; drops in to the open church for a quiet moment; makes use of the church hall; or just appreciates that the building is there – and has been for centuries. One of the things we do is to pray for the rest of the local community: a different street each week, encompassing businesses, schools and other centres. And each year, as part of Acle Churches Together, some of us walk around part of the village, giving thanks for its life. We also offer up prayers which visitors have left in our request book; and help give expression to our deepest feelings at significant times, be they personal (baptisms, weddings, funerals) or corporate (most recently following the death of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II).

Our annual Gift Day is the occasion when we ask residents to assist the small, committed congregation in maintaining the active presence of St. Edmund’s Church in Acle. It’s not without some hesitation that I write this year: even with the Government’s help it is going to be a difficult winter for some and it’s unreasonable to ask everyone to give. But it will be hard for churches and charities, too, as donors cut back and our energy and other costs rise. So it’s all the more important that we enable those who feel able to give to do so.

There is a variety of ways to give:-

  • On-line at
    (or, if you prefer JustGiving, at ).
  • By bank transfer to “Acle PCC”; sort code 20-99-21; a/c 10402850; reference “Gift Day”.
  • By delivering or posting a donation to The Rectory, Norwich Road (NR13 3BU); if possible, with an accompanying Gift Aid form (overleaf); make cheques payable to “Acle PCC”.
  • By bringing it to me on the day at the Farmers’ Market in the church hall
    (Sat 12th November, 9am – 12 noon).

 With sincere thanks for your support,


                                    The Rev'd Martin Greenland

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